By-Laws, Covenant, Sources, & Purposes:
By-Laws: Rev. 03/2012
Congregational Covenant: Rev. 05/25/2022
Because we have expressed that:
The quest for truth informs our sacred journeys,
And service is our prayer,
And because we aspire
To journey toward spiritual wholeness,
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom, and
To share our strength in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant:
To abide in friendship, by:
- Appreciating our differences and celebrating our diversity;
- Enjoying each other’s company in fellowship and fun;
- Encouraging each other;
- Supporting each other’s spiritual growth;
- Giving and receiving help in times of need;
- Participating in the activities of our community, both formal and unstructured;
- Embracing radical hospitality toward newcomers and each other;
To resolve our misunderstandings in a spirit of love and accountability by:
- Assuming that others behave with good intentions;
- Listening with an open heart to each other’s opinions, ideas, life experiences and concerns;
- Working honestly through conflicts directly with those involved in a spirit of kindness and understanding;
- Offering and accepting apologies and forgiveness;
- Respecting differing voices and honoring dissent;
- Cooperating in a spirit of compromise and consensus toward the well-being of the community as a whole; and
To build a strong, diverse, and multicultural Beloved Community by:
- Supporting one another in our efforts to help our congregation thrive;
- Honoring and respecting the work of our leadership, ministries, committees and dedicated individuals;
- Building on our congregation’s legacy of working with community partners in solidarity and with accountability to challenge and dismantle systemic racism and to nurture and sustain an inclusive community;
- Working to recognize and undo other oppressions as well within ourselves and our congregational culture;
- Contributing generously of our time, talents, and financial resources;
- Accepting the call to leadership with openness, warmth, and humor;
- Being realistic about our commitments, choosing to do what brings us fulfillment and what we are able to complete; and
- Expressing gratitude for one another’s contributions.