UU House Outreach
GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: The Board of Trustees is the legal authority for the Unitarian Universalist House Outreach; they must exercise these general duties:
Duty of Care: A Trustee has the duty to exercise reasonable care when he or she makes a decision for the organization. Reasonable care is what an "ordinarily prudent" person in a similar situation would do.
Duty of Loyalty: A Trustee must never use information gained through his/her position for personal gain, and must always act in the best interests of the organization.
Duty of Obedience: A Trustee must be faithful to the organization's mission. He or she cannot act in a way that is inconsistent with the organization's goals. The public trusts the Trustee to manage donated funds to fulfill the organization's mission.
They are responsible for:
Governance: Oversee/Evaluate/Review/Monitor
Leadership: In partnership with the Executive Director, develop the vision/mission/direction
Stewardship: Ensure dedication to, and use of assets for, the benefit of Outreach's constituencies
QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS: Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of Board governance: health care policy, long term care, finance, fund raising, law, marketing, management, personnel, public relations, quality improvement. Commitment to the work and mission of the organization
TERM: Directors are elected by the Board at the January meeting. Directors serve for a three-year term. Directors may be re-elected for two additional terms.
- Attend board meetings and important related meetings regularly. Board meets officially four times per year
- Serve on at least one committee and actively participate.
- Attend and support Outreach functions.
- Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments and complete them thoroughly and on time.
- Keep abreast of the affairs and finances of Outreach and prepare well for meetings, and review and comment on minutes and reports.
- Be aware and abstain from any conflict of interest.
- Make an annual financial contribution that is "significant" for the individual trustee and participate significantly in fund raising campaigns, and consider a planned gift.
- Foster a positive working relationship with other Trustees, and Outreach staff.
- Be informed of the services provided by Outreach and publicly support them.
- Promote Outreach programs through community networking, etc
- Seek candidates for election to the Board when appropriate.
Cynthia R. B.
Current UU House Outreach Board Trustee