
Get Involved!

Become involved with a project that has caught your passion: whether it's Green Sanctuary, Gift-Based Ministry, as a worship associate, leading a covenant group, or something entirely different, your congregation needs your involvement in order to benefit from your unique talents and gifts!

Become a religious educator. Whether you are working with children, youth, young adults, or adults, this work can be deeply fulfilling and fun!

Offer to become a lay leader in your congregation. Talk to your nominating committee. If your congregation's in search for new professional leadership, think about whether you might contribute in new and exciting ways to that venture.

Witness your faith in the company of others, on behalf of your congregation. Seek out connections with other religious groups who share similar values. Help carry the message -- beyond your congregation -- that makes clear Unitarian Universalism's values and voice in this challenging world.

Become a delegate to your UUA District's meetings. You'll learn new skills, develop a sense of Unitarian Universalism that extends beyond your own congregation, and help nurture the vitality of our faith in your district.

Don't wait to be asked: contact your congregation's Nominating Committee and tell them you're willing to serve. They'll be glad to hear from you!

- from the UUA

UU House Outreach

GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: The Board of Trustees is the legal authority for the Unitarian Universalist House Outreach; they must exercise these general duties:

Duty of Care: A Trustee has the duty to exercise reasonable care when he or she makes a decision for the organization. Reasonable care is what an "ordinarily prudent" person in a similar situation would do.
Duty of Loyalty: A Trustee must never use information gained through his/her position for personal gain, and must always act in the best interests of the organization.
Duty of Obedience: A Trustee must be faithful to the organization's mission. He or she cannot act in a way that is inconsistent with the organization's goals. The public trusts the Trustee to manage donated funds to fulfill the organization's mission.

They are responsible for:
Governance: Oversee/Evaluate/Review/Monitor
Leadership: In partnership with the Executive Director, develop the vision/mission/direction
Stewardship: Ensure dedication to, and use of assets for, the benefit of Outreach's constituencies

QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS: Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of Board governance: health care policy, long term care, finance, fund raising, law, marketing, management, personnel, public relations, quality improvement. Commitment to the work and mission of the organization

TERM: Directors are elected by the Board at the January meeting. Directors serve for a three-year term. Directors may be re-elected for two additional terms.


  • Attend board meetings and important related meetings regularly. Board meets officially four times per year
  • Serve on at least one committee and actively participate.
  • Attend and support Outreach functions.
  • Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments and complete them thoroughly and on time.
  • Keep abreast of the affairs and finances of Outreach and prepare well for meetings, and review and comment on minutes and reports.
  • Be aware and abstain from any conflict of interest.
  • Make an annual financial contribution that is "significant" for the individual trustee and participate significantly in fund raising campaigns, and consider a planned gift.
  • Foster a positive working relationship with other Trustees, and Outreach staff.
  • Be informed of the services provided by Outreach and publicly support them.
  • Promote Outreach programs through community networking, etc
  • Seek candidates for election to the Board when appropriate.
Respectfully submitted by:
Cynthia R. B.
Current UU House Outreach Board Trustee

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